Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sweet Dreams

 I finally achieved my first night of sleep in the good range according to my new smart watch.  In the words of Mr. Spock, I say "Fascinating."  I can tell you exactly how it feels to have two consecutive weeks of poor sleep.  No bueno.  There were many factors that contributed to this and some of them were self-inflicted.  One of my teammates at my day job gave me the same advice I gave her when she was dealing with a most challenging life event.  "Let it go," she said.  Ouch!  Perhaps if my mind was part Vulcan that may be easier to do but my own human emotions sometimes raise my own anxiety levels.

As for the quality night of sleep, all I can say is I'm following the suggestions from my smart watch.  I'm doing evening meditations and doubling up on my morning meditations.  I'm also working at being more organized with my to do lists which are managed thru an app on my smart phone.  The next 90 days or so are going to be like riding a roller coaster.  I need quality sleep to endure all that is ahead.  If you are one of those prayer warriors I reached out to for help, your prayers are working.  Please don't stop now.  I need all the help I can get.  Have a great day.

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