Tuesday, July 25, 2023

My Last "Easy" Day for a While

 Tomorrow will be one of my most intense tennis practices this year.  When one of my teammates discovered the forecast calls for nearly 100º (tennis court temps exceed this because the heat is trapped on the court surface), he asked if our practice time could be delayed.  Another teammate chimed in he will be wearing sweats during his workout while urging we should stick to our regular start time as preparation for our regional tournament.  We will be well prepared when we play in St. Louis the first week of August.

As for me, I will be joining my Ragbrai friends on Thursday, the hottest predicted day this summer.  My bike pack will be loaded with sardines and my water jugs will have ample amounts of electrolytes.  My body may not like what's ahead but my mind thrives when I approach my upper limits.  Easy won't be in my vocabulary after this final day of relative calm today.  After that, there is a "touch and go" for one night of sleep in my own bed before heading off to another day job adventure in Ohio.  Stay tuned for daily updates on the road.  Have a great day.

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