Monday, July 10, 2023

How Are Your Mitochondria Doing?

While it may be true you can't see your mitochondria, there's a way to check up on these powerhouses of your cells.  All you need to do is look in the mirror.  Are you looking like someone who lacks sleep?  I've been there.  No bueno.  How about your energy levels?  Got fatigue?  Maybe your mitochondria are on strike.  If they banded together and formed a union, you may need to hire some additional workers to get your health restored before it's too late and you die.

Before you crawl back in bed and hibernate for the rest of the year, maybe you need to know how to appease those rebels inside your body.  These tiny organisms are crying out to you.  They want you to stop feeding them fake food.  Do this and you may get that spring back in your step.  Get your energy back and you may get the urge to be more active.  Increase your exercise and all of a sudden those lethargic mitochondria get busy.  They call their friends and ask them to join the party.  Before you know it, the mitochondria population explodes inside your gut.  Your energy soars.  Have a great day.

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