Friday, July 7, 2023

Are You Planning for Success?

If you're searching for a success formula, I have a thought for you today.  This is what I've been doing the last few years of my life:

  1. Experiment
  2. Fail
  3. Learn from the mishap
  4. New experiment
  5. Fail
  6. Go back to step 3 and repeat
  7. Succeed (Eventually)
There is also a mindset part of the process.  I have this expectation that I'm going to win.  This can be applied to any and all areas of your life.  For example, I requested and got approved for a week of vacation in October that coincides with a possible team appearance in Surprise, Arizona for the Men's 4.0 18+ national championships.  Based on what I'm witnessing from my teammates who practice like no other, I'm feeling hopeful.

I would like to throw in an additional two cents about my writing.  This is much more than a hobby for me – it's some sort of a calling.  It's my personal way of contributing something for the betterment of all.  What I'm learning about myself is that I'm getting a fringe benefit, improved health.  Just like the seven step process outlined above, my writing journey is the same.  It may be naive of me to think that one day I may have a best seller on my hands.  In my opinion, planning for success isn't much different from failing to plan.  Both ideas are in play all around the world.  Both involve failure.  One is a learning/growing opportunity and  the other is an undesirable outcome.  How are you living your life?  Have a great day.

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