Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Connecting the Dots

 My writing journey can be summarized with three mile markers.  The first, "God's Black Sheep Squadron," is a memoir about my dad's final 35 days on earth.  The second, "The Caveman in the Mirror," is a novel about a fictional family with many close ties to my own life's journey.  The final frontier is "Live Long and Prosper."  With God's grace and guidance, this book will be released in the near future.  This book has been my most challenging project as I find myself drawn into some kind of spiritual battle I'm powerless to fight on my own.  The roadblocks I've encountered are enough to drive a sane man into a dark world of pain and suffering.  

As I write today's message, there is a significant disturbance in the air.  Lightning bolts are directly overhead.  The sound of thunder is like a thousand jackhammers.  The trees are bending as if they have no limbs.  The only thing missing right now is the blare of trumpets signaling a tornado which could happen at any moment.  Despite all this turbulence, I find myself at peace.  Once again, the demons who taunt me will be exorcised with the final keystroke.  When that happens I will rejoice.  I will at last share the third leg of my writing journey which sometimes feels like going through some sort of rabbit hole.  Have a great day.

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