Friday, January 28, 2022

Streaming Issues Resolved

The big boys have their reasons for making life challenging for end users.  They want to dominate market share.  Every time a new opportunity arises, like "casting" from your phone to your TV, and you need a product to make it work, these big boys fight for control.  They are often tempted to render their opponents useless in order to make their products more desirable.  In my case, I bought three different components in order to stream from my phone to my TV.  Some may question why this is necessary.  For me, it's a convenience thing.  My favorite show, The Chosen, stopped posting on YouTube after the first episode of season two in order to promote viewing on their own app they invented.  That set up a love-hate relationship with the big boys when I tried to find a solution.

I'm elated to report that I can now "cast" from my phone to my TV and the winner in the big boy battles in my household is Google.  The Google Chromecast is one amazing advance in technology.  I should have made this my first choice given my success with this free blog made available compliments of Google.  I'm now a happy end user.  It looks like Google and The Chosen app are a match made in Heaven, at least in my household.  We are looking forward to watching future seasons through this Chromecast device.  Have a great day.

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