Sunday, January 9, 2022

Do You Have a Winning Morning Routine?

 In my opinion, if you can win the morning with a solid routine, you can set yourself to win the day.  Win the day, followed by winning the next day, and you can win the month.  A series of winning months leads to a successful outcome for the year.  I'm sharing my morning routine, something that has been refined in the fires of not so good morning routines from past years.  I do believe I have the best morning routine ever.  It's as if I'm now on some kind of autopilot.  As long as I don't mess with the controls, I'm ready for my best year ever.  I'm saying this even though we are only nine days into a new year.

Unless I'm getting up extra early to catch a plane before sunrise, I do not use an alarm to wake up.  That's because it's no longer necessary.  I make sure to go to bed eight hours prior to waking up and do so naturally.  How many times have you been mad when that alarm goes off?  It's simply not natural.  Why lose the morning because that alarm clock set you off in a bad way?

My first action of the day is to offer a few short prayers, mainly thanking God for great sleep and for the plan he has already laid out for me.  Once the morning prayers are complete, I do a guided meditation using head phones so I don't disturb my wife who has her own winning morning routine.  If we are in alignment, we listen to our guided Bible in a Year podcast together.  If she still has her own reading to do, I continue my podcast with my headphones.  This part of my morning is a new habit that is only nine days old.  

My eating habits have changed dramatically over the years.  This year I'm concentrated on when I eat, keeping my meals to about two a day without snacks.  My morning breakfast is a small yogurt with my molecules mixed in – NMN and Transreservatrol.  I have a side of granola with a mix of supplements based on Dr. David Sinclair's research related to longevity.

The final part of my winning morning routine is to depart for my day job fifteen minutes early.  This allows for challenges with traffic.  On snow days, I leave earlier to give me a wider safety net.  My music is from a Christian radio station.  The 25 minute commute is enough to keep  my mind is a peaceful state that began with a relaxing wake up.  I plan to continue this morning process for the rest of my life.  How about you?  Are you winning the morning?  Does a morning victory set up a win for the day?  My hope is that some of my habits may help you to have better mornings and a better life.  Have a great day.

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