Monday, January 24, 2022

Rec Center Membership on Hold

January is the month many of us re-evaluate our goals and reach for the stars.  Physical fitness is almost always at the top of list.  I'm going against the grain this year in order to help reach my most elusive goal ever, financial fitness.  What good is it to be in shape physically if you are in the dark financially?  I'm pinching pennies to make sure I cross the finish line and retire my mortgage in March.  There was no room to renew my annual gym membership.  I will miss the crowds of people that rush in at the beginning of the new year only to disappear the following month or so.

Speaking of pinching pennies, if I can hold out until July to get back to the gym, I get the senior discount for members 62 and over.  There are insurance companies that offer incentives for seniors who are willing to work out regularly.  This makes sense.  Why not lower risk by encouraging people to work out and get healthy?  For me, timing will be everything.  I'm planning on biking across my beloved state in July.  That should help eliminate any side effects from skipping out at the rec center.  My hope for you is that you are sticking to your goals, even if you need to make adjustments along the way.  Have a great day.

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