Monday, January 3, 2022

First Family Yahtzee Game of the New Year Ends After 4 Turns

 Today's story is a little bit country and a little bit supernatural.  We allow the winner of each round to choose the music for the next round.  I decided to introduce something out of this world for the first round.  Before I share the song I played on my cell phone, I want to set up the scene.  The three players involved in Yahtzee were me, my wife, and our youngest son.  It was New Year's Day.  We remained indoors due to the below zero temps, the heavy snowfall, and the high winds.  I rolled a Yahtzee on my first turn, followed by another one on my second turn.  The third turn revealed a Full House on the first roll of the dice.  I was feeling rather lucky.  Round four resulted in a third Yahtzee.  The family conceded while informing me my music would no longer be allowed during our family games.

My wife and youngest son are both huge country music fans.  My luck was still on fire and I rolled another Yahtzee on the first turn.  It was enough to claim victory for the second game.  The third and fourth games were uneventful.  My luck didn't return until the fifth game of the day when I hit a fifth Yahtzee while Rascal Flats sang, "God Bless the Broken Road that Led me Straight to You."  We played a sixth game before switching to Scrabble.  My wife collected the scorecards to throw away in the trash but I insisted I keep mine for prosperity, especially because I believe the first song I selected didn't come from a human creator.  

Come back tomorrow and I'll how share how I discovered the music that was playing during the first round of family Yahtzee.  You can decide for yourself if I'm just lucky or if there was supernatural assistance.  I will share the melody that was playing and how the song was found.  Have a great day.

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