Friday, October 12, 2012

Stay in the Race

Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us ~ Hebrews 12:1

My favorite feature on my watch is the chronograph.  I use it daily to time my breaks and keep track of activities.  When all the segments of my life are stitched together, my life looks like one huge marathon.  At times, the race track is dotted with hurdles.  Other days, it's mired in mud and it's hard to keep moving forward.  What matters most is not who is in front of me or behind me -- it's about endurance.  Here are some ideas to help you stay in the race:
  1. Find others who match your mile times and partner with them on the course.  The buddy system keeps you on the track.
  2. Take breaks along the way.  A fifteen minute break every two hours and a full day of rest once a week prevents burn-out.
  3. Keep going when you hit the wall.  The greatest joy is just around the corner.  You will miss it if you give up because of the pain you are experiencing.
  4. Stay fit.  Proper sleep, healthy eating, and regular exercise will help you with your endurance.
  5. Remember your race track is custom made just for you.  You are designed to go the distance.  If you find yourself stuck in the mud, look up.  Someone up there is watching over you.  Heaven is cheering for you.  You have what it takes to cross the finish line.
I can't tell you when your race will be over.  A marathon is 26.2 miles.  Life doesn't work that way.  Don't worry about when you will finish.  Keep running.  If you need a cane or a wheelchair for the last couple of miles,  keep moving.  Every step you take gets you closer to the finish line.  You can do it.

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