Saturday, October 13, 2012

Living in a Swing State

I would like to thank my wife and youngest son, pictured on the left, for allowing me to publish their photo.  They are the inspiration for today's blog.  Ever since I took that first leap of faith on February 29 and moved from California to Iowa, my life has changed dramatically.  My son is working on his first guest post for this blog and will be sharing an important message soon.

It's a lot of fun living in a swing state.  The people here pay careful attention to the issues affecting quality of life.  Any time there is a special event, the whole town comes out.  I have to admit, I never in my wildest dreams imagined becoming a Raiders fan.  The video below features a couple of my nephews and offers a peek into high school life in our new hometown.  This story is the first in a series dedicated to what life is like in the Midwest.

Special thanks to all who make me and my family feel so welcome.  Stay tuned for more blog messages about this amazing new chapter in our lives.

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