Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Real Author

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him ~ Exodus 15:2

Since day one of publishing this blog five hundred and sixty four days ago, I have admitted to you that I am not qualified to write.

“So, who is the REAL author?” you ask.

The real author is the One who's name is in all caps and whose name appears first on the front cover, while my name is in lowercase.  The lost sheep are prominently featured on the cover.  These are the beloved lost souls that the Creator is searching for.  God is calling them home.  Wherever they are, no matter how far away, He will find them, just as He found me, hiding in a cave in a remote town called Ramona.

Each time I felt as though I could not go on with this book writing project, people appeared out of thin air to offer guidance and expertise. I call these people my Angels because I know they are heaven sent.

Qualified writers, dedicating their entire lives to developing the art of wordsmithing, will be the first to tell you that their world is filled with loneliness and rejection. And these are the “qualified” writers. What about people like me who are called to write but not qualified to write?

The answer to this question came to me in prayer. All you need to do is study the Bible and you will see that God is consistent when He calls His sheep. Noah was a drunk with no ship building experience. Moses stuttered. The apostles called themselves fishermen, however, without Jesus to point them to the fish, they would have starved. David wasn't even allowed on the battlefield with his “qualified” older brothers, yet he is the one who defeated Goliath.

God doesn't call the “qualified,” He qualifies the called. That way, when an observer witnesses extraordinary works, he recognizes the “Real Author.” All of the events and people in my book were placed there by the Creator. The people behind the scenes, like Pete Zindler and Byron Mettler,  came into my life according to God's perfect timing. They are real authors and they are my mentors.

The next time you hear a voice inside of you that calls you to do something you feel is impossible, remember this, with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  To the Real Author of "God's Black Sheep Squadron,"  I promise to trust you and follow you all the days of my life.  I give you all the honor and glory and thank you for choosing me to publish all the good that you do.

When you read my book, my hope is that you see through me and discover the One who lives in my heart, the One who makes all things new, the One who gave His life for you so that you can have new and abundant life.  It's time for me to decrease so that He may become visible.  Yes, He is the author of my life, a book that was written long before I was even born.

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