Friday, November 10, 2023

The US Roundabout Champion

 There are 138 roundabouts in Carmel, Indiana where I'm staying on a day job assignment, making the city the champion for the greatest network in the United States.  They even have double roundabouts stacked next to each other which makes driving rather peculiar, especially if you're like me and you've suffered a horrific accident.

There is something else that is making my commute rather interesting when it comes to roundabouts.  No matter where you live, this is a fact of life.  Road construction.  Those squiggly lines painted on the roads become tedious when mixed with the orange cones that block lanes.

My third variable in the roundabout, orange cone commute scenario has to do with my rental car, a double upgrade offered when my rental car company ran out of midsize vehicles.  I'm driving in an audi.  It's amazing.  If I knew how to work the controls properly it would be even more heavenly.  By the way, I recommend you at least figure out the defrost button on any rental you get that operates outside of your comfort zone.  For example, using windshield wipers to defrost while spraying wiper fluid on below freezing mornings only works for about 30 seconds.  If you're on unfamiliar roads during peak construction periods and you find yourself in a city like Carmel, good luck.  Make sure you give yourself plenty of extra time.  Have a great day.

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