Sunday, April 23, 2023

When Should You Eat Wheat?

 Today's story is a follow-up to my trading places with a caveman story from yesterday.  By the way, the cavemen never had the opportunity to eat wheat as it came along much later in our quest to find the best foods to eat without having to do hunting and gathering.  About the time I was born they found a way to produce wheat with greater yields called high yield semi dwarf wheat.  Odds are if you eat wheat you are eating this variety of wheat.  

How would you answer today's question?  If you happen to be an American, you are probably eating wheat.  Is it healthy?  I'm going to offer my answer as a simple layman with no official education in nutrition.  In my opinion, there is only one time.  Ready?  If you are starving and your only food source is wheat, go ahead.  Indulge.  And when you get the opportunity to switch to another food source, cut out the wheat.  

I'm going to caution you about going down the path of no wheat in your life.  You will fight two very powerful forces.  The first is your brain.  It's going to go into an all out rebellion.  The truth is you are probably addicted to wheat.  You will understand what I'm talking about when you cut out wheat.  The second opponent happens to be the food industry.  These guys at the top want to protect their profits.  It's not good for their business if you stop buying what they're selling.  

Consider what would happen to your health if you cut out all sources of wheat from your life.  I dare you to do this for 45 days.  It takes thirty days to form a new habit.  Give yourself an extra fifteen days and when you discover new life, don't ever go back unless you are starving and the only option is wheat.  Have a great day.

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