Friday, April 28, 2023

I'm Sharing My Secret Weapon Today

Some of my bosses at my day job asked for volunteers to make a sixty second video sharing our super power for success interacting with others while we're introducing our culture.  My direct boss asked me to participate and PLEASE keep it to under ninety seconds.  My secret is simple yet powerful.  The key is to ask great questions.  I didn't share where I learned this because in our world not all agree with my specific belief system and going too deep may have a negative result.

I truly believe that anytime you're interacting with others, the best thing you can do is ask great questions.  Jesus did the same thing.  "What do others know about me?"  Or, "Who do others say that I am?"  I modified this to fit my day job.  I asked others what they know about us or what their friends are saying about us.  The answers give me an idea of where to proceed with the conversation which nearly 100% of the time is favorable.  

How can you use this in your life?  It's simple.  Learn to ask questions that help you understand others.  When you ask someone what their goals are and you listen, you are going to be able to help them.  If you are a teacher or a parent, you just need to ask "What are you hoping to achieve with your life?"  The same is true with coaching.  In other life I taught tennis.  I often asked, "What do you want to work on with your game?" The answer helped me direct the lesson to their goals.  

As a blogger/writer/publisher, I'm asking you today, "What topics would you like me to cover in the future?"  I realize that commenting here is difficult on the blog because I needed to put controls in place to keep out the negative influence coming from the Dark Side.  That's one reason why I often share my stories on FaceBook.  It's easier to leave a comment.  Feedback helps me write stories that may help you in your own pursuits.  Thank you for participating.  Have a great day.

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