Friday, April 7, 2023

All the World's a Stage

William Shakespeare begins his famous monologue with these words...

All the world's a stage,

And all the men  and women merely Players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

Flash forward to our modern times and you may see the world the same way Shakespeare viewed it – as if we are bit players.  The question of the day for you is, What kind of actor are you on the world stage?  Is it the role you were born to play or are you missing something?

On this day over 2,000 years ago a man was killed because the audience didn't like the role he was playing.  His entrance was humble.  His followers were ragtag.  He challenged the people around him with probing questions meant to unveil hidden gems buried within.  Those in power saw a threat.  At the age of 33 this man exited after suffering a public execution.  It was 3pm.  The skies darkened.  His life was over.  The man was taken down from the cross and laid to rest in a tomb.  If this had been any other man on the planet, that is where the story would have been buried.  This man played his role perfectly and it was planned perfectly.  The empty tomb on Sunday revealed the true nature of this man, Jesus.  Never before had a man come back from the dead.  Only God can do this.  Jesus did it.  Why?  For you.  Jesus died for you so that you can live forever.  

Your exit will happen some day.  On that day you will wake up on an unfamiliar stage surrounded by those who came before you.  You will live forever.  Only God knows when that will happen.  If you are uncertain about your role on this planet, why not ask Jesus for some guidance?  Think about this at 3pm today.  Ponder how much he loves you.  If the role you are playing has no meaning to you, ask Jesus to help you find your part.  Ask him to change you the way he changes everyone he encounters.  He's waiting for you to call on him.  Do it before it's too late.  Have a great day.

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