Friday, April 21, 2023

Training the Wild Stallion Within

 Like it or not, you are the product of certain behaviors mostly controlled by your brain.  If you are like me, you may be operating under the influence of specific brain patterns that are nearly impossible to change unless you happen to know how to tame wild stallions.  Your brain falls under this category.

I may not be a stallion trainer but I'm making substantial progress teaching my brain new tricks even though I'm becoming some kind of white-haired caveman who happens to like confronting challenges.  

The first step to training the wild stallion within is deciding you are in charge of any change you want to try in order to improve the quality of your life.  Decide this and you're half way there.  The next step is to keep getting back up every time you fall off the horse.  I guarantee the bucks are coming.  Train the wild stallion within and you can do just about anything.  The rewards are out of this world.  Think about it.  Have a great day.

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