Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Are You Smarter Than a Caveman?

 If you could take a test to see if you're smarter than a caveman, how do you think you would do?  If the test had to do with modern technology, you would win hands down, right?  The caveman would fumble with your cell phone and fail miserably with anything having to do with social media.  What about food choices.  The caveman would pick fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, seeds and when he captures a wild animal, he would eat that too.  Your food choices may include a visit to a fast food place and you may be consuming new foods invented in the last century.  Which of you would score higher on the food test?  There's no cheating when it comes to a food test.  Blood lipid panels don't lie.  Ask your doctor about your test results and ask him if he or she thinks a caveman might have better results.

My money is on the caveman when it comes to eating.  He sides with natural whole foods and so do I.  For me, cutting out processed foods changed my life and most likely extended it.  If you failed your food test, try again and see if you can do better.  Have a great day.

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