Thursday, January 24, 2019

Your Why Prevents False Starts

How many new year resolutions are still in play?  I know how it feels to have a false start, especially when most people choose January 1 as the first day of the race.  Like everybody else who says this year is going to be different, they get overanxious, set big goals and end up disqualified.  The "why" is your best way to prevent a false start.  It's the reason why you chose to improve your life when you took a look at the previous year and shook your head in disgust because it didn't work out in your favor.  You need to get your "why" back today before another year ends up as a lost cause.

My why is my wife and our family.  They are counting on me to be steadfast.  My why keeps me from trying to sprint when I'm in a twelve month marathon.  My why says there are no shortcuts.  My why is my hope for peace and serenity.  If I do encounter a false start, I know I must get up and start over.  There's no room for giving up.

Like it or not, your loved ones are observing you.  What lessons do you want to teach them by your own example? If you don't have a why, find one.  Dig deep.  Your why is a fuel tank.  Fill it up with purpose.  This is your year.  You can do this.  Nobody will remember your false start if you get back up now and start over.  The only person who can disqualify you from the race is you.  Tell that guy flashing the red card to get out of your way.  You have a mulligan and you can use it right now if your why is bigger than your list of excuses.  Your family is waiting for you to take the next step.  Have a great day.

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