Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Debt Reduction Chip Shots are Working

The first hole in my 36 month debt reduction game is now just a chip shot away to make par.  I'm gaining confidence.    January has been a cruel month for me in past years because Holiday bills always weighed me down.  I changed my approach to the game and it feels good.  It looks like I'm going to keep chipping until I win financial freedom in three years.

Just like golfers need to get their grip right to make their golf balls go further and in a straight line, I'm getting a better grip on my monthly expenses.  The debt discipline is paying off even though the adjustments have been relatively minor.  My wife and I agreed to cut out wine and chocolate during the first month of the game.  We also reduced our TV dish bill to the bare minimum.  We chose to forego eating out with the exception of a celebration dinner when our youngest son was visiting.  We are closely monitoring our grocery lists to make sure there are no unnecessary items that we can live without.  The 4.99 rotisserie chicken has become a favorite dinner staple and we are finding creative ways to change up the way we serve it.  The people giving out the free samples at my day job all know me on a first name basis and I see them five times a week to supplement my apple and banana at lunch time.  I'm going to keep track of my progress during this debt reduction game and all of you reading this will be my accountability partners.  Let me know if you're interested in joining the game.  You can use it for any area of your life you're seeking to improve.  Have a great day.

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