Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Measure Your Weight Loss by the Ounce to Win Big

What choices can you make today that will result in two ounces of weight loss by the end of the day?  Too easy?  I don't think so.  That's why today matters.  The two ounces represent your first step in the direction of a better you.  Your two ounces released will turn in to four ounces tomorrow.  You're at half a pound by the end of the fourth day.

If you're not sure how to release the two ounces, think about how you will handle your food choices.  Maybe your two ounces of weight loss comes from a choice to avoid processed foods today.  Consider replacing that junk food you were going to eat with a salad instead.  You can find the two ounces of weight loss if you're serious about change.

Congratulate yourself when you step on the scale tomorrow morning at the same time and you see progress.  Keep it up and you will release one pound every eight days until you find your desired target.  Find a buddy to do this with you and stay committed to two ounces a day.  Throw in a few extra steps of walking every day to send a signal to your body that a new life is ahead.  Have a great day.

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