Monday, January 21, 2019

The 1% Difference

How is today going to be different from yesterday?  I follow the 1% improvement rule.  If you do everything today the same way you did yesterday, you won't see any improvement in your results.  That's sad because you're smarter today than you were yesterday as a result of all your experiences.  The wisdom you gained should help you make better choices today.  An improvement in 1% may not seem like much but it adds up to 100% in just over three months not counting the value of compounding your wisdom with daily improvements.

Follow the 1% rule with your food choices and your results will be dramatic over time.  All you need to do today is change one thing.  It could be eliminating one bad food option from your menu.  Maybe you could drink one less soda.  If you're shopping today, make the grocery list in advance and when you're done, eliminate the least healthy item from the list and decide you're no longer going to buy that item ever again.  Replace that item with a better food choice while you're shopping.  Have a great day.

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