Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Game On

No mulligans were needed yesterday on the virtual golf course.  I'm playing the debt reduction game I call Mulligan's Par for the Course.  The idea is to make par over the next 36 months and win financial freedom for the rest of my life.  The truth is I've been playing this game for years with not much success because I created too many of my own sand traps.  Often times I found myself underwater due to poor decisions.  Something changed late in the year last year.  I made a decision to design my own virtual golf course and minimize the obstacles in order to increase my chances for success.

Our beloved Iowa Hawkeyes were on national TV yesterday and I thought I may be the only household in Iowa not watching since we downsized our dish network to the bare minimum a couple of months ago.  We ruled out going to a sports bar because that was in conflict with our no drinking pledge for January.  Our adult children came up with a great solution that kept me out of the debt sand trap – live streaming.  We watched the game together at home and saw our team come back to win late in the 4th quarter.

There are three kinds of people – the ones who make things happen, the ones who watch things happen, and the ones who say, "what happened?"  You have a choice to make.  Decide which category you want to belong to.  Don't let past mistakes or challenges force you to the sidelines.  Get back in the game.  Create your own rules if you like or join me in Par for the Course.  There's room for more players who are serious about reaching long-term goals.  Would you like give debt reduction a try?  Have a great day.

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