Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Make Today Count

My day job gives me the opportunity to be in contact with people of all ages from all walks of life.  There are patterns that emerge in our conversations.  Each person inspires me.  Those who are active, take vacations, eat healthy and enjoy life inspire me to live every day to the fullest.  And those who are overweight, out of shape and have negative outlooks on life also inspire me to live every day to the fullest by showing me what happens when you choose unwisely.  It all comes down to small daily choices.  Over time, these choices add up to an amazing life or an unfulfilled life.

One of the greatest influencers in my life is no longer with us.  Jack Lalanne took the time to send me an autographed picture of himself after I reached out to him asking for an opportunity to meet him and thank him in person for motivating me to lead a healthier lifestyle.  His personal secretary sent me an email in response to the  condolences I sent and her message is still in my head eight years later...  Exercise an hour a day.  This is what Jack would ask of you to remember him.

Some people may think my daily choices are excessive.  When they see me running to my day job or running to my car after my shift is over, they ask, "are you late?"  They don't understand I'm running all the time at every opportunity.  Those times when it's -18º outside are the times when I remind myself that today counts and the choice to run, even if it's only for 90 seconds at a time, all add up to the kind of lifestyle Jack Lalanne advocated during his time with us on the planet.  Make today count.  Think about your choices at every meal.  Ponder how you will spend your free time today.  Spend one hour exercising.  Have a great day.

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