Tuesday, June 11, 2024

When Waking Up is Hard to Do

 Are you having trouble waking up in the morning?  If so, you may want to make some changes concerning your sleep habits.  When waking up is hard to do, you need to look at the root causes of your sleep troubles.  You've heard me share stories about consistency.  In my opinion, your snooze button is your enemy if you use it.  It's like a crutch.  Give a person a crutch and he'll use it.  You must remove this crutch today and resolve to never use it again.  Got it?

Crutch removal is painful.  So is waking up drowsy.  Once the crutch is removed, begin fine tuning your sleep habits.  This starts with going to bed.  It's best to part ways with your electronics at least an hour before bed time.  Oh yes, breaking up is also hard to do.  Just do it.  

What about waking up in the middle of the night?  If this is happening and you are worried about it, consider the possibility that it's really not a big deal and stop worrying about it.  If you remove the worry you may find that waking up prior to your appointed wakeup time isn't really the problem you think it is.

I'm a big believer in measuring your sleep.  Keep records of your sleep patterns and add notes about how minor changes affect your sleep.  Use the feedback to keep improving.  You may find that your waking hours are much more fulfilling once your sleep schedule is managed better.  Have a great day.  

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