Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is a Sugar-Free Life Sweet or Sour?

This is a follow-up from yesterday's story about my sugar addiction.  An interesting point was raised on my social media page concerning the quality of life when all things sugar are removed.  Sure, there are disadvantages when most sugary food choices are removed, especially when processed foods are also crossed off the list of food choices.   The food cravings may become unbearable for some.  Your friends may become uncomfortable around you.  Your anxiety levels may increase.  I remember getting food cravings about every two hours.  I also remember my withdrawals when I gave up sugar.  In spite of all these negatives, I do not have a sour taste regarding my sugar free lifestyle.  

A relative shared a story with me about two close friends who both underwent amputations due to diabetes.  According to Dr. Jason Fung, author of "The Diabetes Code," diabetes is reversible.  I'm thankful my eye doctor told me about him a couple of years ago because this changed my outlook.  It gave me the information I need to fight back and overcome my brain's desire to consume sugar around the clock.  The hunger signals are completely gone even though I only consume two meals a day.  My life is as sweet as it can be.  I no longer fear a day when my family physician tells me I have diabetes.  My body can manufacture glucose when I need it.  There is about a four week process without all things sugar before the brain gives up and the cravings disappear.  In my opinion, it's worth it.  Have a great day.

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