Monday, June 3, 2024

Do You Have a Happy Place to Get Grounded?

 If you haven't discovered the joy of getting grounded, also known as earthing, today's story is for you.  My happiest days seem to be days where I pull out my Tommy Bahamas chair, remove my shoes and socks, and stare out at the pond on the back side of the property where my day job is located.  The whole process is about 22 minutes during my lunch break.  Something special happens when I do this.  I feel refreshed when I return for the remainder of my shift.  On rainy days when I miss out on grounding the day seems to go slower.  

Promise yourself you will try grounding for 30 days.  Find a happy place to do this.  Set your timer for thirty minutes and make sure you're barefoot.  You can walk or sit.  Let your mind wander.  See for yourself if anything changes.  There is some interesting research about this topic regarding reducing inflammation and improving sleep.  Give grounding a try.  Have a great day.

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