Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How I Overcame My Addiction to Sugar

This is a sensitive topic.  Many people in my circle of friends are in denial about the dangers of too much sugar in their food choices.  I looked at sugar the same way most people do until I discovered I was headed to an early grave due to my sugar addiction.  Something got my attention on a social media page the other day.  It was a photograph from the early 70's showing a large crowd of beachgoers.  Something was missing.  I couldn't see one oversized belly.  Not one.  How did this change in a single generation?  I'm going to admit it here based on my own life's choices.  I got hooked on Mountain Dew shortly before I met my future wife.  One can a day wasn't enough.  I was addicted and didn't even know it.  It makes me sick to my stomach when I reflect on my old ways.  No bueno.

Yesterday I crossed paths with someone who is within three weeks of my birthday.  Both of us will be celebrating our 64th birthdays next month.  There was something peculiar about him that I rarely see in people who happen to be from the baby boom generation.  He resembled one of the people from the 70's beach scene.  There were no signs of an over-sized belly.  Sadly, I rarely meet people my age who are a flashback to an earlier time when obesity wasn't an issue.   

I would like to offer one more caveat should you decide it's time to admit you may be addicted to sugar.  Other people are going to look at you with suspicion.  They may even be thinking you are sick.  If your friends are bold, they may even bring up the "c" word.  Another thought they may have has to do with those permission slips being passed around regarding Ozempic.  That's what prescription pills are – permission slips to continue your addiction to sugar without removing the source of the problem.  I see the world differently.  In my opinion, the best way to overcome addiction is to admit you have a problem and stand firm when your friends are forcing birthday cake on you.  They really don't believe you are addicted.  Sadly, they don't know how bad it is.  

I made a decision at the beginning of this year to go cold turkey on all things sugar.  This was one of the most difficult decisions of my life.  If you don't believe me, ask my wife.  She was shocked that I did this.  Maybe even more shocked that I did it successfully.  This is how I beat my addiction.  I realized there was a problem when I had to have five pieces of chocolate at the end of every meal.  My wife didn't know it at the time but the five pieces of chocolate were all I openly admitted to.  I would sneak more pieces when she wasn't looking.  If I were to go back to these chocolates today, I would be at high risk of returning to my old ways.  It's better to admit my addiction to the world hoping one person may be inspired to make a change.  Have a great day.

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