Friday, June 14, 2024

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

Never underestimate the value of a dream.  Think back to a time in your life when you had a big dream.  Did you nurture it or did you let the dream die?  Where you are today is a result of your answer to the question.  There are people in this world who will criticize you for not acting on your dream.  Some may attack you for not dreaming bigger.  Small dreams lead to small results.  Big dreams help you reach your capacity for a maximized life.

The second part of today's story has to do with your circle of friends.  There are two categories.  The first category contains friends who support you in all of your endeavors.  These people are dream nurturers.  They support you.  They believe in you.  These people make great accountability partners.  Stay close to them.  The second category contains people who really don't want you to succeed.  They are dream destroyers.  Don't blame them.  These people know if you succeed then you will change and you will no longer share your life with them unless they also change.  Most people fear making changes.  You have to find a way to break free of the hold they have on your dreams.  

I like to think of my dreams as blueprints.  The more detail I can add the better.  I also like to go big.  Why not dream big?  Make sure to put some time stamps on your dreams so the clock doesn't run out before you die.  Surround yourself with like-minded people so these dreams can be cultivated.  If you happen to be in my circle of friends, be careful if you approach me.  Call me an eternal optimist.  I'm going to analyze your dream and ask you why you're not dreaming bigger.  Another favorite followup question is this:  Why are you waiting so long to pursue this dream?  Your safe bet is to keep listening to your friends in category two who believe you are doomed to failure.  Where you are tomorrow is based on who you listen to today.  Have a great day. 

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