Saturday, June 8, 2024

How to Get Out of a Rut

 Is your life stuck in some kind of endless cycle that appears to be going nowhere?  It happens.  The first step to getting out of a rut is to recognize you are on autopilot and you don't know where you're headed.  This can be frustrating.  The good news is you can break free and change course.

Your brain is more powerful than you think.  You may be bored with your current circumstances.  If your brain is on autopilot because of this, all you need to do is turn off the autopilot and head in a new direction that perhaps you've never gone.  Think of this as a place outside your comfort zone.  Yes, this can be scary.  That's great news.  Scary means you are now on alert because your brain doesn't know what's happening.  This is a time for you to learn new things.  Boom – you're out of the rut.  If this happens again, it's time to change directions again.  Keep changing so your brain has new experiences to process.

In my opinion, it's a good idea to review your goals.  Autopilot is good when you're going in a direction you seek.  Autopilot hurts when your same routine is preventing you from learning and growing.  Tell your brain you are in charge and take charge.  Have a great day.

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