Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Got Distractions?

 My how time flies when you are involved in something that you find inspiring.  It may be your favorite passion or chatting with a friend.  What about those times in your life when you find your mind wandering?

I've been working on distraction removal most of my life.  It's those times when I'm doing mindless activities that I'm most susceptible to distractions.  I wrote a story recently about my mom's favorite way to "snap out of it" by saying "5-4-3-2-1" out loud for a quick reset.  This works.  I also believe switching up your routine can help.  If I'm writing and I get stuck, I walk away and return later.  A ten minute break helps me to reset.

What are your favorite ways to get rid of your distractions?  If you respond on Facebook, beware.  That place can get you distracted if you stay too long.  Have a great day.

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