Monday, June 24, 2024

Sleep Big

 The quality of your waking hours is directly related to your sleep.  Sleep big and you can live big.  Deprive yourself of a great night of sleep and you will shortchange your performance.  Consistency matters.  If you're struggling to sleep big, read on.  

I approach sleep the same way I tackle other important areas of my life.  It's all about small changes set up to enhance success.  There will be setbacks.  That's part of the process.  Two steps forward and one step back means you have a net gain of one step.  Do this every day and you will see great results.  The one step back gives you the feedback you need to make adjustments so you don't repeat the same mistake.

Be intentional.  Decide today that you are going to sleep big.  Tell your brain you are great at sleeping and your brain will cooperate.  Experiment with all the variables so you can find your optimum results.  Avoid making too many changes at the same time so you can find what works best.  I'm a big believer in sleep tracking.  The time you invest in sleeping better will pay off.  In my opinion, this is the best investment you can make in yourself.  Have a great day.

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