Monday, June 10, 2024

How to Be a Winner at the Hunger Game

 The rules of the game have been distorted during our lifetime.  In my opinion, this has to do with the introduction of processed foods.  The people at the top of the food chain set us all up for failure when they found a way to get us addicted to their products.  Sadly, they found a way to maximize their profits by spiking our food supply.  If you don't believe me, ask yourself how many times a day you get hungry.  The follow up question has to do with the frequency of your meals.  Your parents and your schools taught you that we need three meals a day to survive.  Really?  How is that waistline doing these days?  In my opinion, the only people winning are the people who got us addicted to their sugary substances.

I found a way to win.  It wasn't easy.  The secret is in one of your internal organs that seems to get a lot of attention when you visit your doctor and he or she has the "look" that tells you what you already know – you are fat, sick, and nearly dead.  Your liver spills the beans.  If your doctor tells you that you have a fatty liver, don't freak out.  There is a way to win if you're willing to overcome your food addiction.

Consider this story as your rehab.  Should you decide today that you are going to be a winner at the hunger game, congratulations.  You have taken the first step.  Your brain is going to give you hell for the next month but this will stop if you refuse to give up.

I hate to break the news but that sugar you are eating has to go.  The snacks containing ingredients you can't even pronounce are now off limits.  At some point you will stop getting hunger signals every two hours.  You may even skip a meal without even thinking about it.  This is a sign you are on the right track.  Keep going.  When you reach this point you are ready to give up one of your three standard meals.  Remember, you are breaking a habit that has been engrained in your brain since birth.  Stay with it.

If you keep doing this for several months, the next time you visit your doctor he or she will tell you something special – your fatty liver is now in the normal range.  Surprise!  Your liver is now producing all the sugar you need to survive.  Isn't that something?  The secret to your success was always inside you.  Please share this story with your family and friends.  Have a great day.

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