Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Your Invitation to the HAWA Tribe

Our ancestors hunted and gathered for their food.  Nothing they ate was processed.  They were strong and as physically fit as our Olympic athletes.  Then something bad happened.  In our efforts to make life easier, we changed our ways.  Never before in our history have we had so many incidences of cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases that are mostly a result of our own involvement in the way we live.  I'm fighting back and I'm asking you to join my health and wellness advocacy tribe (HAWA).  I became an independent consultant last week representing botanically based products our caveman ancestors would certainly approve.  Nothing in the line of 450 products are made with ingredients suspected of giving us modern day illnesses.

You may be asking, "how much is this going to cost me?"  If you keep eating processed foods and poisoning your body with products that are causing you harm, that will be the highest price you will pay.  If you join my HAWA tribe and convert to a modern-day hunting and gathering lifestyle,  act now and you can pay nothing except the price of the products you order on my business web page.  You can spread the word to friends and family members as an independent consultant or you can become one of my preferred clients and order the best products in the world for a discount.  Normally, there is a fee to become a preferred client but that fee is waived for the remainder of this month as long as you meet the minimum order of $150, suggested retail pricing.  If you haven't picked out your Mother's Day gift, this is the place to make Mom very happy by ordering her the bathing ritual set.  Details are on my page.

My wife and I are all in.  I like free stuff.  When my good friend and fellow employee at my day job shared what she was doing to change her ways, I got interested.  Then I tried the products and got hooked.  When she told me the fee to become an independent consultant was waived this month, I said yes.  Click here for a link to my tribe.  Take a look around and let me know if you have any questions.  I can't field calls while I'm at my day job but I promise to answer all your questions and help you on your journey to healthy living.  By the way, hunting and gathering for fellow tribe members has never been so easy.  If you have a phone and a friend, you can take care of everything you need while using modern day tools.  I'll teach you how to become your own boss.  Have a great day.

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