Monday, April 8, 2019

Optimizing Your WFF

Optimize three areas of your life and you're on your way to quality living.  We've got two out of three in our household so far and hope to hit the trifecta within the next three years.  Here they are:

  1. Weight.  I didn't realize how badly processed foods hurt me until I cut them from my life.  Everything changed.  It's not a fad.  Healthy eating helped me lose over three sacks of ten pound potatoes in a very short time.  This is permanent.  Change your food habits and you change your life.
  2. Fitness.  The older I get the more I realize how maintaining a healthy body affects my mood and my attitude.  Injury prevention is my number one goal because I tend to get obsessive with my workouts.  Rest and recovery is now a top priority.  Strive for thirty minutes a day of quality activity and you will notice a difference in your life.
  3. Finances.  This is the most challenging area of my life and I believe the reason for this is due to a very successful marketing campaign by the credit card companies.  Buy now.  Pay later.  Get 0% interest for 12 months.  We are inundated with tempting ads on a daily basis.  Every time my wife and I are confronted with a new temptation, we ask ourselves if caving in is worth giving up or delaying our goal to eliminate our mortgage debt at an accelerated rate.  So far, we are making significant progress.
Optimize your WFF and you will set yourself up to maximize your life in your retirement years.  The best day to start is today.  Have a great day.

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