Thursday, April 25, 2019

Extraordinary Effort

How is the extraordinary effort going for you in your life?  What is it that you're working on?  Are you all in?  If not, ask yourself what's holding you back.  I was so tired at the end of my day yesterday that I needed to park my car in front of the restaurant where I was meeting my team-mates and set my alarm for fifteen minutes so I could get enough rest to make it through dinner.  I went back to my hotel and called it a night at 7:30pm. 

Today is going to be a repeat of yesterday.  Extraordinary effort is only half of the equation to make a miracle happen.  The other half is unwavering faith.  If you've been reading my stories for these last ten years, you already know that unwavering faith is part of my DNA.  I'm wishing you luck with all your efforts today, especially the extraordinary ones.  Have a great day.

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