Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to Know if You're on the Right Path

It's Palm Sunday today.  If you're a believer, this is a big deal.  Yep.  The most important week of the year is here now.  Today is the day all the people welcomed Jesus with open arms and palm branches.  He was on the right path. But what about us?  How do we know if we're going where we're supposed to be going?  This is especially true when the path is unmarked or you're in unfamiliar territory.  I ask myself one question when I'm uncertain.  "Is this choice going to help me get closer to Jesus?"

I'll give you an example of something that happened when I relocated to my new hometown seven years ago.  I was pursuing a job that I felt lined up with my gifts but a new opportunity appeared out of nowhere.  Upon closer examination, I discovered the new opportunity allowed me to have time off to worship every weekend.  The big Holidays are also set aside as family days and our day job is closed.  I prayed about it and went with the opportunity that I felt would bring me closer to Jesus.  A couple of days letter I got my rejection letter from the company I was pursuing and breathed a sigh of relief that I made the right choice.  That's when things really started to get exciting in my life.  Seven years later I'm still on the journey to get closer to Jesus.  This is a good week to pay close attention to all the road signs.  Give yourself some time to ponder what path will bring you closer to Jesus.  Follow Jesus.  Have a great day.