Thursday, April 4, 2019

Anatomy of a Goal

If your goals are often elusive or unobtainable, maybe it's time to take a closer look at what you're doing/not doing that could help you get on track.  Perhaps your goals aren't SMART enough.  Here's what I mean:

  1. Specific.  You want your goal to be well defined.  Give your goal a clarity that you can see clearly.
  2. Measurable.  How big is your goal?  Can you define it in terms of a dollar amount or weight?
  3. Attainable.  Are you dreaming too big or is this something that is really possible?
  4. Reasonable.  Do you have everything you need within you to accomplish this?
  5. Time phased.  What is the deadline?  Put in on the calendar and stick to it.
The key to long term success is to set up a winning track record with your goals.  Every accomplishment sets you up for the next goal.  Build on your achievements.  Make sure every goal you set is smart and don't stop until you finish with a successful outcome.  Pass this on to your loved ones.  Have a great day.

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