Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dream Bus or Excuse Bus?

It's impossible to be on the dream bus and the excuse bus at the same time.  Those on the dream bus will find the time to read this story all the way to the end.  Unfortunately, those who need this message most are on the excuse bus and they choose to remain there even though they are free to leave any time and live their dreams.  Which bus are you on?  If you're uncertain, ask yourself, "Do I have enough time in my day to get things done?"  The follow-up question is, "Do I have enough money to live my dreams?"  The way you answer those two questions helps you understand which bus you're on.

Here's something else to consider.  Take a look around at the people on your bus.  Do they have enough time in their day to get things done?  Do they have enough money to live their dreams?  Either you're sitting next to a visionary or an excuse maker.  The people closest to you can have a positive or negative impact on your life.  I prefer to sit with people on the dream bus.  They find a way to take care of their priorities no matter what.  They find a way to fund what's most important in their lives, like dream vacations or dream homes.  They find a way to teach their children how to become the people God created them to be.  When I find myself in the company of excuse makers, I get off the bus as fast as I can and run to the dream bus where I belong.  How about you?  Have a great day.

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