Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why I Love Hurdles

You have several choices when you find a hurdle in your path:  turn around and go home, bust through it, or learn how to fly over it.  As I approach the finish line for my second book, some new hurdles are appearing on the last lap.  Just when I was feeling comfortable with my progress, a new obstacle showed up on the race track yesterday.  I bought Turbo Tax and installed it on my MacBook Pro.  That's when I discovered my system software was too old to support the tax program and I needed an upgrade.  Surprise!  MS Word is no longer supported on OS X Yosemite.  Suddenly I felt like a pole vaulter who got his pole stolen.  My hurdle was laughing at me.  I scratched my head and stood there staring at my conundrum.  I knew going home wasn't an option.  It never is.  How was I going to write without a word program?  Ah, conflict.  There's no story without conflict.  But there's no book without the proper writing tools.

I found an awesome solution.  The writing pros use a program called Scrivener.  It retails for $45.00.  That's another hurdle for me because I'm on a super strict budget I set up to make sure my credit cards are all at zero balances by the time I launch my third book on Independence Day, five months from today.  I scoured the internet for a better deal and found a coupon code for Scrivener 2.  The $9.00 discount made the hurdle small enough to leap over without using a credit card.  I turned around and looked at my hurdle.  It appeared so much smaller from the other side.  My legs feel like they're ready for even bigger challenges ahead.  I have a long way to go.  Good-bye MS Word.  It was nice knowing you.  I'm sticking with "Scriv" for the rest of the race.  Bring on the hurdles.  I love 'em.  Have a great day.

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