Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How I Improved My Sense of Taste, Touch, Smell, Sight and Hearing

Fine wine improves with age.  I believe that's also the secret for sharpening your five senses.  All you need is time and a common sense approach.  Pardon the pun.  Let's see if these pointers pass the smell test:
  1.  Taste.  This is an easy one.  I found everything tastes better when you are in good company.  Seek out friends to share your meals with.  Commit to regular date nights with your loved one.  Every time you take a bite, think about how hard the chef worked to prepare your meal or about the food server who is taking such great care of you.  Skip dessert and use it to be more generous with your tip.  Yes, generosity and appreciation make everything you eat taste better.
  2. Touch.  This is an important one.  This is my love language.  Cuddle often.  Hold hands.  Smooch.  Don't worry what others think about your public displays of affection.  Simply savor how good it feels to be in close proximity to the one you love.
  3. Smell.  This is heightened when your eyes are closed.  Try it.  Close your eyes and think about one of your favorite memories.  Who were you with?  What were you doing?  I have a memory from over forty years ago of a down-hill race I was running on Mulligan mountain in Prescott, Arizona.  The faster runner who shall remain anonymous kicked dust in my face as he out-paced me on the steep decline.  I can still smell the antiseptic he used to clean up my wound after I lunged unsuccessfully to pass him at the finish line and stumbled.  The same is true when I close my eyes and think about my high school days.  Mom always had a crock pot filled with pinto beans in the kitchen.  The aroma of pinto beans reminds me how hard my mother worked to keep six kids fed.  For me, that fragrance is like a fine perfume.
  4. Sight.  I'm cheating on this one.  I got my eyes checked at the end of the year and discovered I need to wear glasses full-time.  Thanks to Dr. Amber Aria, I can see much better now.  It's a good idea to get your eyes examined annually. 
  5. Hearing.  I'm not talking about the ear drums.  I'm referring to the part of your brain that many people turn off so they don't actively listen.  Listening is a skill you can improve upon over time.  The best way to do this is to care about the person who is speaking.  They have something important to share with you.  Don't tune them out.  Avoid selective hearing.  Pay attention.
Today's post is dedicated to all the food servers in the world who work so hard to take care of their guests, especially Molly, who helped me on my lunch break yesterday.  She shared photos of her young daughter and seven-year-old son, a republican.  "He spends a lot of time with his grandmother," she chagrined.  All I can say about my meal is that I experienced it with all five senses.  Thank you for sharing.  Have a great day. 

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