Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hunt the Good Stuff

We received our second letter yesterday from our son, private Mulligan, now going through basic training in the army.  He says they're being pushed hard but there's still fun in every day.  His drill sergeant tells him, "hunt the good stuff."  Several minutes after opening the letter, more good stuff came in the form of a five minute phone call from our boy.  I watched the glow on my wife's face as she basked in the first four-and-a-half minutes of our call.  It was great to hear his voice and I'm thankful for the thirty seconds I got to hear the excitement in his voice.

What good stuff is happening in your life today?  Is it hard to find when you're being bombarded with unexpected chaos in your life?  Stay true to your mission.  Hunt the good stuff.  Find something to be thankful for.  Have a great day.

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