Monday, June 2, 2014

You Have the Power to Decide How Great Today Will Be

If you ask two people at the beginning of the day about the kind of day they're going to have and one says, "terrific," while the other says, "horrible," they're both right.  Days aren't measured by what you accomplish, they're measured by your own attitude.

I believe all our days are connected.  Each new day is a continuation of all the prior days.  Whatever happens today will be terrific.  It may be a day filled with trials that teach us how to be better in future days.  It may also be a day we get the opportunity to get to know the people around us better or make new friends.  Those who say they're going to have a horrible day are closing doors.  They're locking themselves out of opportunity.  Their day will end as predicted.  So will mine.  I have the power to decide how great today will be.  It works every time.  How about you?  What kind of day do you think you're going to have today?

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