Monday, January 20, 2014

What Have You Done in the Last 20 Days?

Please don't let this New Year turn into a bad memory.  Your actions in the last twenty days already set the tone.  Do you like the beat of the music or is it time to dance to a different tune?

I decided to use my OCD tendencies to focus the majority of my attention on an important family matter.  Because the matter is private, I'm choosing to keep my strategy off-line until I complete the task.  The music I'm dancing to this year is fast-paced and unfamiliar, like a salsa.  It requires time and focus to master all the complicated moves associated with my #1 New Year's resolution.  My job is to remain on the dance floor until this goal is accomplished.

I find inspiration in all three of our children.  They are pursuing their goals like champions.  They remind me about a wise mentor who once shared with me his definition of success:  "Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of pre-determined worthwhile goals." ~ Tom Hopkins.

What have you done in the last twenty days?  Are you focused?  It's not too late to change the music.  Have a great day.

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