Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2 Questions To Help You Stay Motivated

Are you having trouble sticking to your plans?  Here are two simple questions to ask yourself when you feel like giving up:
  1. Question #1: Ask yourself, "what will I gain if I complete this task?"  It helps to close your eyes and paint a picture of what your life will look like once you finish what you started.
  2. Question #2: Ask yourself, "what will I lose if I give up?"  Paint the same picture in your mind of what your life will look like should you walk away.
For me, question #2 lights the bigger fire.  Here's the picture I see of what I will have to deal with for the rest of eternity should I give up...

Knock, knock.

"Who's there?"

"It's Michael."

(Door opens)

"Hello, Michael.  I'm Peter.  We've been expecting you.  Come in.  Jesus is waiting for you.  I'll take you to Him."

(Blinding light ahead.  Trumpets are playing.  A soft, gentle voice begins speaking.)

"Welcome to Heaven, Michael.  I'm Jesus.  Where are the others?"


"Yes.  The ones who didn't believe in Me.  I put them in your life for a reason — to bring them to me.  Why do you think I sent you all those visions?  This was not for your benefit.  I wanted you to share the visions with your readers.  What happened?  Why didn't you bring them to me?"

*** This is the point where I snap out of it and get back to work, thankful that I'm still alive and that there's still time to reach "the others" with my daily writing.  I will not stop.   This is my mission in life. ***

What pictures do you paint in your mind to help you stay motivated?  Do the questions about gaining or losing help you?  Which question motivates you the most?  Please share your answers in the comments section below.  And if you happen to know any of "the others"  Jesus is concerned about, please pass this story along.  Thanks for contributing.

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