Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Guest Post From My Son, Ryan Mulligan

My oldest son, Ryan, is passionate about two things, exercise and nutrition.  I asked him to share his passions with the blog world and offer some advice.  His younger brother will be also be making a guest appearance soon to share an important life lesson he learned.  It's an honor to welcome Ryan today and introduce him...

Hi.  My name is Ryan.  I've always been interested in physical fitness and weight lifting.  Since I moved to Iowa, it has become more of an obsession.  There's not too much for me to do and I don't know many people, so I work two jobs -- one at a nutrition store and the other at a sports store.  I spend all my free time at the local gym.  I will be starting a blog soon where I share my own personal story and give advice to others interested in reaching their potential.  Watch for the link in the coming weeks.  Ryan.

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