Saturday, January 11, 2020

Why Good Lighting Matters

The best photographers in the world are experts at something most amateurs overlook – lighting.  Good lighting matters because when the dimmer switch is too low or too high, quality suffers.  The same is true in life.  Most of us are amateurs.  Our lives are so dimly lit that we can barely see the world around us.  We are blind to opportunity.

I found a way to enhance the quality of my life.  It requires leaving the lights off every morning after my alarm goes off.  I close my eyes and take a look at my mind with nothing but a flashlight.  The flashlight keeps me focused on one room at a time.  I look for the dimmer switch in each room and turn up the brightness so I can see more vividly than when my eyes are open.

Most people I talk to want to know how I'm able to remain so focused on my goals.  I tell them about the time I spend every morning to get the lighting right.  They balk.  The response is always the same, "Who has that kind of time?" These are the same people who complain about their lives.  The photos are out of focus, the lighting is never right and they are the ones who blame others for the bad quality when they refuse to admit where the real problem is – themselves.

Please do me a favor.  Decide today you are going to make the daily effort to improve your photography skills.  Commit to a minimum of thirty minutes a day and use your flashlight to observe what's going on inside your mind.  Experiment with the dimmer switch in each room until you can see clearly what your life could be like when you get the lighting right.  You deserve a quality life.  Have a great day.

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