Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Prep Your Brain for a Lunar Landing

If you're like most people, you went big on New Year's Eve with bold resolutions and goals for a brand new decade.  That was your blast-off.  Today is day 22.  How is your rocket ship doing?  Think of those goals as a lunar landing.  If your goals were able to travel at the speed of light, you could have achieved your lunar landing in less than two seconds.  You could accomplish a landing in about three days with a rocket ship.  Unfortunately, you aren't able to travel at light speed and odds are pretty good that you can't afford a rocket ship.  How about we make this trip a virtual one?

When I'm working on my goals, I like to check the trajectory and make daily adjustments so I don't veer too far off course.  My focus is on my supply ship.  Do I have what it takes to get to my destination?  The right mindset is my fuel.  If I'm running low, I seek help.  This help may come in the form of YouTube videos from others that successfully performed their own lunar landings.  Sometimes, inspiration comes from people I respect who find creative ways to stay motivated on their journey.  That's why I enjoy reading books about self-improvement.

I would like to take a moment here to thank my cousin, Dr. John Mulligan, for his assistance in getting my body healthy so that I can continue my voyage free from past issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides,  and excessive body fat around my belly.  His caveman food experiment was like offering me a course correction in my trajectory and I followed his advice to avoid tragedy.  You will be able to read more about it in "Live Long and Prosper."  For now, I would like to express my thanks by sharing today's blood pressure reading, perhaps my lowest ever, in my entire 59.5 years of life on this planet.  Drum roll, please... 117/73.  By the way, the next time I visit my physician for an updated lipid panel reading, he may want to know why I took myself off of the only prescription medicine I was on.  I don't really want to get into a debate with him about all those permission slips we think we need to be healthy, but I'm going to tell him my body is responding well to living like a caveman.  The lab rat/caveman star traveler lives!  Thank you, cousin!

Whatever plans you have for this year, my hope for you is that you don't give up on your mission.  If you need a restart, take a mulligan and go back to the launchpad.  Aim high and make adjustments after takeoff.   Make sure your brain is prepped well and that you have everything you need to complete your journey to the moon and beyond.  Have a great day.

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