Monday, January 27, 2020

Who Survives?

Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt you were right on the edge of death?  Did you do something special to survive?  Can you think of how you may handle a future catastrophe?  Maybe it's a health issue.  Perhaps it could be news of a tragic event.  Will you survive?

Charles Darwin had an interesting approach to this question.  He said it's not necessarily the strongest who survive.  He said it's not necessarily the smartest.  Darwin believed survival depends on the willingness to adapt or change.

One of the greatest moments in my personal life happened late last year when all five of my siblings got together with me in Mexico to celebrate our mother's 80th birthday.  Without getting too personal here, I think it's safe to say all of us are survivors.  Since I'm the only one in the family who has permission to share any details, I believe my own survival was due to recalibrating my life in a new environment completely foreign to anything I experienced growing up.  I needed to let go of many things.  I'm thriving now because I was willing to adapt.  I salute my family members for doing the same.  Have a great day.

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