Thursday, January 16, 2020

Why Daily Effort Matters

Yesterday no longer matters.  Tomorrow is still far away.  This morning I find myself on the financial freedom golf course searching for a way to get back on track.  I'm playing a game I created called Par for the Course.  The idea is to complete the 36 months on par and retire our mortgage early.  My first drive of this year hooked terribly and I was already in trouble.  Then my wife showed up and offered me hope I could make par if I followed her advice.  Debt reduction is a serious daily effort and I'm feeling inspired knowing my wife is willing to go the distance with me.

Any skill worth learning requires daily effort.  I'm realizing the importance of continuous improvement, one day at a time.  Slow and steady wins the race.  I'm focusing on eliminating the bad habits that lead to the sand traps while creating new habits that get me closer to financial freedom.  I'm asking myself, "What can I do today to stay on course?"  I'm going to listen to my wife and go for it without any fear of failure.  How about you?  Do you believe daily effort matters?  Look at small choices you're making today and make them count.  Have a great day.

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